“Rogue One” Special! (Part 1)

How could I have my own podcast and NOT talk about the new STAR WARS movie?! In this episode, I am joined by fellow Star Wars fans Tim and Sarah Pickerill and we delve into the latest addition to the series, “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story”. Stick around near the end of the show to hear a story out of the past from fellow OnyxEdge podcaster Jordan Wakefield.

Tim and Sarah can both be heard on OnyxEdge Studios podcasts.

Jordan can be heard on THE HIGH FILES with Jordan Wakefield on Onyxedgestudios.com

Chris is on Twitter and Instagram @baconandnaes

Email the show thoughts or ideas to: BaconAndNaes@gmail.com

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Youtube Channels: OnyxEdge Studios and Chris Naes for video content from this episode and much, much more.

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