HSIB 9: Mary Elizabeth

Sam’s client, Mary was nearly 400 pounds before before she was properly motivated to change her health and her lifestyle. Now down nearly 200 pounds, Mary sits down with Sam and Tim to discuss her amazing and inspiring journey.

How Should I Bro is produced by ONYX/edge Studios. Follow us on Twitter @HowShouldIBro (http://www.twitter.com/howshouldibro) and on the web at www.howshouldibro.com. If you enjoy the show please subscribe and give us a nice rating and review on iTunes to help us grow our audience: http://apple.co/1JhLkkW (http://apple.co/1JhLkkW)

Intro music for How Should I Bro is by TeknoAxe, find out more at www.teknoaxe.com (http://www.teknoaxe.com).